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Birth Support

Birth support offerings you tailored support through pregnancy, birth and postpartum. I can journey with you while you make decisions, learn about birth and discover what is right for you.​
- 5 antenatal meetings which will include antenatal education to help you prepare for your birth by ensuring you understand the physiological birth process and are comfortable with your choices, creating your birth plan, use of movement, breath work, aromatherapy, rebozo and massage to aid you throughout labour, biomechanics and optimal birth positioning. Sessions will include planning for your postpartum including support with breastfeeding (if you feel this is something you would like to do).

2 of these sessions will take place on zoom for ease of appointment arrangement and
reducing travel time.
- An on-call period of 10 days before your due date until your baby is born
-Access to my library of resources, TENS machine, birth balls, birth pool hire (included it you’d
like one)
- Support via Whats App or email within standard working hours (9am-5pm)
- Support for the duration of your labour and birth and remaining with you after the birth to ensure
you’re settled and comfortable with your baby
-A postnatal session within a week of your birth to de-brief the birth, meet your lovely baby again.
I can bring a hot meal and offer postnatal wrapping if you would like. 
- A second postnatal session to catch up and support you in any way you feel is helpful.
- A final postnatal session around 6 weeks after your birth to have a Closing of the Bones ritual.
 Starts at £2000.00
Mileage added for travel over 15 miles one way at 0.45p
Book an enquiry call with me 


"Hayley was my doula for a blessed and beautiful home birth back in March.
Despite only meeting a couple of weeks before the birth she immediately made me feel at ease and was able to confidently guide me through the process of working out a birth plan and thinking about how I wanted the birth to be. It was because of her confident but gentle holding that I was able to follow and trust in my dream of a home birth despite it having been problematised by other family members up to that point. She empowered me and allowed me to trust in what I envisaged for my own birth experience.visited after for post natal assistance. Thank you Hayley" x

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