Birth Preparation
Birth Preparation sessions support you and your birth partner to explore your body ability to birth, where you want to birth and who you want there with you.
- 2x 2 hour birth preparation sessions with me in person or virtually. We will explore birth
physiology, how environment will support your labour, how to advocate for yourself and how your
birth partner can support you. We will make a birth plan and discuss how you can prepare for your birth.
- Support via email/ WhatsApp during your antenatal period.
- Access to my library of books around the antenatal, birth and postnatal process
- Access to my birth balls, birth pool, TENS machine
- 1 postnatal visit to discuss your birth and support you with feeding, caring for baby &healing after birth.
Mileage added for travel over 15 miles one way at 0.45p
Book an enquiry call with me