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Birth Happens!


Updated: Jan 17, 2022

Physiological birth, so what is this I hear you say? This is when birth happens without intervention. Yes that's right without intervention.

B I R T H H A P P E N S !

We are mammals and for birth to be supported we need to be undisturbed and not watched. So when we are convinced that monitoring is the best way to support labour by the maternity system this is not always true. For you to create an environment where you feel safe, a cave like surroundings will serve you best. Low lighting, little noise, warmth and stillness will allow your oxytocin to soar through you. Oxytocin is a hormone that is one of the key pillars of birth, it is sometimes referred to as the 'love hormone'. As Doula's we are here to protect your birth space and your oxytocin bubble. We stay on the edge of your bubble and listen to your wants and needs while observing your body and reactions to labour to guide you through the stages of birth.

Positioning is also a key pillar to birth. We watch Hollywood birth baby's on their backs, we go into hospitals where induction is often advised where we are monitored with examination on our backs. This is not primitive, this is not mammal like, we are both. When we look into the animal kingdom no mammals birth on their backs, they are standing or upright. When we explore birth through history we were upright.

Birth is also supported by movement, not running a marathon (although you use the same amount of energy). But changing positions as you flow with the urges of your body, often wanting to take a gentle walk in the early stages of labour or being in labour. Physiological birth is diving deep within to your instincts, your beautiful bodily urges and truly listening unashamingly as you embark on this magnificent journey of birthing your baby. #physiologicalbirth #birthinglikeamammal #doulasupport #gloucestershiredoula #motherofpearldoula #oxytocinboosting

Photo by Rebekah Vos on Unsplash

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